Tuesday Reviews - Make Up Break up by Lily Menon

 Make Up Break Up - Lily Menon (Releases February 2, 2021) ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ

Have I read a bad romance lately? No, I don't think I have. I feel like this one just continues a streak of absolute gems of the rom-com genre that I have been picking up lately. Have rom-coms always been this good and I was just sleeping on them?! Or are they having a renaissance? Is it both?? Whatever the case may be this is another fabulous romance read and I am living for all of these great ones I have read lately. As always, full review below and here on Goodreads.


This was both cute and sexy. I was always excited when I found time to pick it up and read; it was all the things I love in a rom-com read. There were funny moments that brought a smile to my face. There were characters that were enjoyable. They were not perfect, but I enjoyed them all the same. There was romance that was steamy with moments of sweet. I just had a blast getting lost in this book.

One of my favorite aspects of this one was the competing app storyline. It was fun to read about these innovative apps the characters were creating. The fact that this plotline included one of my favorite tropes, the hate-to-love trope, did not hurt either. The only thing that held me back from giving this all the stars was the fact that I did not feel like certain aspects of the story were fully fleshed out. Sometimes a character's words and subsequent actions felt a little too rushed. I needed just a slight more transition and explanation.

I had so much fun reading this though that I can overlook some of this awkward transition. None of that hindered what truly made this read enjoyable, which was a fun and romantic read. If you have been following my reviews for any length of time, you know I LOVE a good romance read. When I find one, I am thrilled. This is up there with the good ones. There is a lot of joy to be had reading this one.
